
» Customer Testimonials

Gagen Agrawal, Independent consultant

"I love Meta-Update and believe every large Remedy implementation team must have it in their kitty.

"I recommended it to each customer we contract to!"

Meta-Archive for HTML on 9.1

"With Software Tool House's Meta-Archive we found the archiving tool for ITSM tickets that we were looking for. Meta-Archive is easy to configure and performs an efficient archiving process. …

"Thanks to this archiving process we managed to reduce the ITSM database in all our environments, lowering the maintenance costs."

Meta-Update on 8.1

"Software Tool House Inc. has developed Meta-Update software that enables organisations to apply bulk data changes to Remedy BMC customer data without the redevelopment or customisation of Remedy source code. …

Self-developed Migration from ITSM 5 to 7.1

"We had a mammoth task of migrating 400+ companies from ITSM 5.5 to ITSM 7.1 … Migration into mismatched schemas looked impossible. …

"But when we started evaluating Meta-Update, we saw some light. … I recommend Meta-Update for all those who want the flexibility of a scripting language to handle bulk ARS data."

Meta-Update Job Types