Meta Archive
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You can mix and match targets.Adding your own forms is as easy as adding lines in a spreadsheet.
Setting up your own app is trivial.
HTML generation offers URL and searchable attributes saved to Remedy or ServiceNow.
Deletions in a separate job.
Associations are checked. No Incident is archived until its Change or CI is ready.
A delete log can be checked before running the deletions.
Writing to archive forms does not reduce database size.
Records are moved from an active table to an inactive one in the same database.
All other targets reduce database size.
An Incident can be archived. It is in an open Change. Should that incident be archived?
Meta-Archive checks associations.
Handle different customers and classes of tickets differently.
Configure associations checking as you like.
Configure GDPR and archive retention rules as needed.
Archive Forms
Meta-Archive will automatically generate any Archive forms needed.
Note: Writing to archive forms does not reduce database size but does improve performance.
Restore offered.
Archive Server
Using an Archive Server reduces database size.
It also offers the Remedy ITSM GUI for archived data.
Meta-Archive offers a GDPR Compliance Mode to selectively delete archived data.
CSV and HTML names and paths can be configured.
Restore offered for CSVs.
HTML is simple and complete: drill down as deep as needed and pick up attachments.
URLs and key data can be added to a Remedy or ServiceNow form.
How it works
An archive root is read — using a GDPR Age.
For each, the retention conditions are looped through.
If matched, the GDPR Age is adjusted and tested.
If not, or the GDPR Age passed, the tree is added to the delete queue.
GDPR Configuration
Each root has a list of easy to configure conditions to extend the retention age.
Simple Retention Setup
The configured conditions are used to extend a GDPR age.
A minimum GDPR age, different than the archive age, is queried.
Conditions mostly implement regulations and tickets you may want to keep longer.
Easily configured in a spreadsheet and a few simple pattern
Pattern files allow text substitution from the Remedy fields.
Power and Ease
The samples show how underlying records are built into two level tables with links to details and attachments — all in a simple spreadsheet.
URLs and searchable data can be saved to another Remedy or ServiceNow table.
A script generates the Job Automation input file.
It issues same query as Meta-Archive and uses the same configs.
Given a chunk size and a number of concurrent jobs, it generates file.
Job AutomationMeta-Archive are Meta-Update scripts.
These are included in the Meta-Update distribution.