
CMDB Audit Service

CMDB Audit

Our service sums up the state of your CMDB

for a fixed price!


Contact Us

Is your CMDB
Complete, Correct, Compliant?

A CMDB reflecting a company's IT resources and dependencies streamlines IT operations.

People and IT systems create, update, and link CIs.  — Are they correct and linked correctly?

Do you know the state
of your CMDB?


We make it easy!

We make it easy!

Our service sums up the state of your CMDB

for a fixed price!


Contact Us

What is our CMDB service?

We use workshops to model your CMDB rules.

We do queries to gather stats and errors on data, links, duplicates.

In the Results workshop, you get our reports, raw error identifying data, and, optionally, CMDB extracts.


We make it easy!

We make it easy!

Our Services

CMDB Audit

.. amazing
.. value from the
get go
What do we deliver?

You'll know the state of your CMDB:

  • missing links and support groups,
  • missing or incorrect data,
  • duplicated CIs.

You'll be well on your way to a better, more trusted CMDB.

We have experience and tools to help your root cause analysis.


Meta-Databot mass data changer

Meta-Databot mass data changer.

Our Services

Ad-hoc scripting

Root Cause Analysis

Root causes can be varied:

  • errent Web Services callers,
  • faulty AI jobs,
  • badly formatted attributes

You have access to our tools and can engage our experience to enhance your CMDB's correctness.


Meta-Databot processing a list of Support Organization Changes

Meta-Databot reorganising Support Orgs

CMDB Audit

CMDB Audit


Contact Us

CMDB Audit Service

Fixed Price

As you solve root causes, you rerun our Audit scripts as needed.

With Licensing you get supported access to many useful scripts to run as often as you like.

You get a set of tools invaluable for any Remedy shop.


We make it easy!

We make it easy!



Missing data undermines ITSM processes leading to Service disruptions.

Incidents take longer to resolve.

Change impacts are underestimated.

Trust is undermined.


Bad data yields poor decisions and failed Changes with costly outages.

Attributes not reflecting the real world increase Incident reolution costs.

Duplicates cause havoc with missing links and data correctness.


Are Regulatory compliance and Industry standards maintained?

Are Impact assesments flawed?

Is aged data correctly removed from the working sets?


A simple quiz shows your "feelings" for your CMDB.

For fun, we'll review the results together.


Workshops with data owners define rules for CMDB objects.

For example, servers must be supported and managed by support groups.

Uniqueness criteria are defined so duplicates can be checked.


Runs are made in workshops with no software required on the server.

Client software is unzipped and can be simply deleted after.

Your designate runs queries and can examine the report to see it contains no restricted data.


Duplicate CIs identified.

CIs with missing data identified.

CIs with missing links or support groups identified.

Sample pop-up. Sample report

Duplicate CIs

Duplicate CIs can have a variety of root causes:

  • Erroneous Reconciliation rules
  • Differing formats of the same data
  • Errors or omissions in REST API callers
  • Human errors

Data Extraction

All erroneous CI data can be extracted.


You get a three-month supported license.

You can correct data and root causes, run the report, and watch your CMDB improve!

Recon Jobs

An easy to userstand Recon job text report.

AI Jobs and Transforms

A spreadsheet of your Atrium Intergrator Jobs and Transforms that can be filtered on forms and fields.

Image pop-up.


An extensible mass data changer — that you can use to correct data.


Merges links and data from duplicates to a "kept" CI. Sets the duplicates as Deleted.

This tool is not part of the distribution. It is available on request.

Data Extracts

Rows from all datasets are extracted when a CI has missing data or links. Extracts include all hidden fields.

This allows you to see the Recon history of a CI.

Often, data format errors become obvious when comparing rows in a spreadsheet.

Fixed Price

We configure queries, run them, and discuss results through on-line workshops.

You can then fix root causes and run the queries again.

Once, Monthly, Daily

Our service builds a model of your CMDB usage rules.

Once built, these rules can be run over and over again by yourselves.

Your people participate early, run and validate the data.

Included Functions

A complete Archiving solution with GDPR controls. Server to Server, Server to files including HTML and CSV
A mass data change utility — an automated BMC Data Wizzard.
Atrium Integrator
Full field searchable Excel sheets of your AI jobs.
SRD Utilities
SRD reports & fixes.

Table backup & restore
Table backup & restore

Server utilities
Server utilities

Schema forms and field spreadsheets. Workflow documenter
Query and SQL Query utility
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