
Meta-Update: Simple, Powerful

Simple, Powerful Scripting

Unique, Simple, Powerful

Meta-Update is both procedural and stream based.

A script is a simple "ini" file.

A few simple words: Query, Update, iterate through rows assigning them to Tags and creating or updating data.

Substitutions extend from $field$ to $Tag, field$.

A Tag is anything: a Remedy, SQL, ServiceNow, Spreadsheet row, your hashes.


Meta-Update Job Console
Simple Multi-threaded Jobs

Meta-Update Console

Simple, Powerful Scripting

Unique, Simple, Powerful

As Meta-Update iterates, additional Tags can be loaded from cached Lookup queries and files.

Arithmetic and Regular expressions are fully supported.

In assignment sections decisions can be made as to which forms and records need updating.


Meta-Update Job Console
Simple Multi-threaded Jobs

Meta-Update Console Enlarge animated picture

Meta-Update: Simple

Simple Software Footprint

No Server changes required.

Install is a simple unzip.

Can be run on any server or workstation.

Job Console application is an optional Remedy application.

The Job Queue server runs on any server/workstation.

The Distribution includes Meta-Archive, Meta-Databot, and many useful scripts.


Meta-Update: Powerful

Powerful Flexible Secure

Scripts can be simple — a few lines, or they can include many files, tags, and lines.

Once a script is tested, it can be run over and over again.


Simple "ini" file

This 4-line script is very powerful. It allows you to change 300+ server settings like ADMIN_MODE.

A view of the complete script

Iteration - simple, automatic Tag set

Query   each record
QuerySql each row returned
File each row - flexible files
Loop fields set for: Diary, Fields, Delimited String, While

Substitutions extended: $Tag, field$

Tags Fields
BMC Remedy / ServiceNow row Field name or id / guid
SQL row Field number or name
Diary entry User, Date, Text
File record File fields
Script args Argument name
Environment Variable name
Variable sets Variable name


Substitutions can be anywhere — the form to query or update, the tags and fields to be assigned, and in query text.

Output can use "Pattern Files" containing substitutions. Meta-Archive uses this to produce HTML files.

Arrays and hashes are simple. Meta-Archive reads configurations into arrays and processes these repeatedly.

Tags — Assignments

Assignments can be set just after a Tag is loaded, or when updating a record.

Assigments are rich: cached Lookups, regular expression extracts, functional arithmetic, rich ETL functions, client and server processes.

Assignments include fully nested ifs and include sections and files.

Lookups — Easy Power

Lookups can query Remedy or ServiceNow, use SQL, use Files, or internal tables.

Lookups queries are cached; Files are loaded on use. The full file or query row is loaded into the tag.

The same file can be used in different Lookups allowing for specific to general mapping. Conditionals can be applied on loading.

Simple Unzip Install

Meta-Update is distributed as a zip or gzipped tar file.

Simply unzip, add to the Path, encrypt your Remedy or ServiceNow password, and you're ready to go.

To install the Remedy Job Console, just run the install script.

To run the Job Queue server, just run the Queue server script.

Full Debugger

Meta-Update includes a full single-stepping breakpoint debugger — with Help.

You can set up breakpoints, examine data, and single-step.

You can include breaks in the script ignored when not debugging.

Other Meta-Update Features

Automatic, easy to customize, csv log of records read and written.

Remedy Server logging.

Copy field definitions and/or values into records or strings.

Automatic ServiceNow system property set to fail queries in error.


Value from the get go! Saves us an immense amonut of time!

Ronald Lob, Spark, NZ

Every Remedy team should have it.

Gagen Agrawal, Independent consultant, Australia

Without Meta-Update, we had no chance.

Materna consultant, Siemens, Germany

Use Cases

Validata and import data of any format into Remedy or ServiceNow

Often in a few hours!

Mass manipulations of data in Remedy and ServiceNow

Quick SQL changes for production issues

Discovery and development aids

Use Cases

Archive data to reduce database size

Prototype server apps — the Job Queue Server is a Meta-Update script

Transfer data between Remedy and ServiceNow

Emergency production data discovery and changes