Field | Value |
Abydos Assignee Group | $NULL$ |
Abydos Assignment Count | $NULL$ |
Abydos Assignment Rule | $NULL$ |
Abydos AuditFlag | $NULL$ |
Abydos Business Calendar | $NULL$ |
Abydos Dep Count | $NULL$ |
Abydos Group Assignment SQL | $NULL$ |
Abydos Outcome | $NULL$ |
Abydos Outcome Chk | $NULL$ |
Abydos Parent Id | $NULL$ |
Abydos SLA Name | $NULL$ |
Abydos Task Type ID | $NULL$ |
Abydos Template ID | $NULL$ |
Abydos Test Assignment Rule | $NULL$ |
Abydos Tmp Outcome | $NULL$ |
Abydos Wizard Outcome Label | $NULL$ |
Abydos Workdays Tag | $NULL$ |
Abydos_Starting_Task | $NULL$ |
ActionwhenComplete | Cancel |
Activate Time | $NULL$ |
Actual End Date | $NULL$ |
Actual Start Date | $NULL$ |
ActualCalculationUnitType | Flat Rate |
ActualTotalTime | 0 |
ApplicationInstanceID | $NULL$ |
Assign Time | 2008/10/16 19:53:44 |
Assign To Vendor | No |
Assigned To | Allen |
Assigned To ID | PPL000000000013|SGA000000000041 |
Assigned To Rule Type | Manual |
Assignee | Allen Allbrook |
Assignee Group | Frontoffice Support |
Assignee Group ID | SGP000000000010 |
Assignee Groups | 1000000001; |
Assignee Groups_parent | $NULL$ |
Assignee Id | PPL000000000013 |
Assignee Organization | IT Support |
Assignee Select Form_Assignee | $NULL$ |
AutoCost Actual CalcLastEstimatedUsed | 0 |
AutoCost BudgetCalcLastEstimateUsed | $NULL$ |
AutoCost BudgetCalculationUnitType | Flat Rate |
AutoCost CalculationUnitType | Hours |
AutoCostActualCostCalculatedBy | $NULL$ |
AutoCostActualInstanceID | $NULL$ |
AutoCostBudgetInstanceID | $NULL$ |
AutoCostCostRateTemplateUse | $NULL$ |
AutomaticApproveFlag | No |
AutomaticCommandSelection | $NULL$ |
AutomaticDescription | $NULL$ |
AutomaticInterval | $NULL$ |
AutomaticInterval_Seconds | $NULL$ |
AutomaticTaskIntervalTime | $NULL$ |
AutomaticUnit | $NULL$ |
BudgetEstimatedTotalTime | 0 |
Category | $NULL$ |
Character 01 | $NULL$ |
Character 02 | $NULL$ |
Character 03 | $NULL$ |
Character 04 | $NULL$ |
Character 05 | $NULL$ |
Character 06 | $NULL$ |
Command | $NULL$ |
Company | Calbro Services |
Create Date | 2008/11/07 06:29:46 |
Customer Company | Calbro Services |
Customer Department | $NULL$ |
Customer First Name | Joe |
Customer Last Name | Unser |
Customer Middle Name | $NULL$ |
Customer Organization | Human Resources |
Customer Person ID | PPL000000000022 |
Customer Phone Number | 1 212 555-5454 (66) |
Date 01 | $NULL$ |
DateTime 01 | $NULL$ |
DateTime 02 | $NULL$ |
Decimal 01 | $NULL$ |
Decimal 02 | $NULL$ |
Department | Customer Service |
DetailsAppGUID | $NULL$ |
DetailsCommand | $NULL$ |
Duration in Minutes | $NULL$ |
EffortTrackingEndTime | $NULL$ |
EffortTrackingStartTime | $NULL$ |
EffortTrackingTotalTimeSpentHours | 0 |
EffortTrackingTotalTimeSpentMinutes | 0 |
ElectronicDecimal | $NULL$ |
ElectronicField1 | $NULL$ |
ElectronicField2 | $NULL$ |
ElectronicField3 | $NULL$ |
ElectronicText | $NULL$ |
End Time | $NULL$ |
Escalated | No |
Escalation Reason | $NULL$ |
Expected Time Out | $NULL$ |
Failure Code | $NULL$ |
First Name | Bob |
Flag | No |
FlowID | $NULL$ |
Identifier | $NULL$ |
Impact | $NULL$ |
InstanceId | TM00123F73CF5EStITSQ3A9AAgrUoB |
InstantiationNumber | $NULL$ |
Integer 01 | $NULL$ |
Integer 02 | $NULL$ |
Integer 03 | $NULL$ |
InternalDoneQualification | $NULL$ |
InternalSuccessQualification | $NULL$ |
JobID | $NULL$ |
JobInstanceID | $NULL$ |
JobType | $NULL$ |
JobVersion | $NULL$ |
LabelCharacter01 | $NULL$ |
LabelCharacter02 | $NULL$ |
LabelCharacter03 | $NULL$ |
LabelCharacter04 | $NULL$ |
LabelCharacter05 | $NULL$ |
LabelCharacter06 | $NULL$ |
LabelDate01 | $NULL$ |
LabelDateTime01 | $NULL$ |
LabelDateTime02 | $NULL$ |
LabelDecimal01 | $NULL$ |
LabelDecimal02 | $NULL$ |
LabelInteger01 | $NULL$ |
LabelInteger02 | $NULL$ |
LabelInteger03 | $NULL$ |
LabelOn01 | $NULL$ |
LabelOn02 | $NULL$ |
LabelReal01 | $NULL$ |
LabelReal02 | $NULL$ |
LabelReal03 | $NULL$ |
LabelTime01 | $NULL$ |
LabelYesNo01 | $NULL$ |
LabelYesNo02 | $NULL$ |
Last Modified By | Remedy Application Service |
Last Name | Baxter |
LaunchCommand | $NULL$ |
Location Company | Calbro Services |
LookupKeyword | TMSTASK |
Manufacturer | $NULL$ |
Middle Name | $NULL$ |
Modified Date | 2008/11/07 06:29:46 |
Notes | $NULL$ |
Notify Assignee | Yes |
NumRetries | $NULL$ |
On 01 | $NULL$ |
On 02 | $NULL$ |
Organization | Information Technology |
Parent Linked | $NULL$ |
Parent Status Trigger | $NULL$ |
Parent Type | Root Request |
ParentID | AG00123F73CF5Eqc4TSQvOExAgYUQB |
ParentSignal | OK |
Patch Last Build ID | $NULL$ |
PendingStartTime | $NULL$ |
Phase Activation Status* | $NULL$ |
Phase GUID | $NULL$ |
Phone Number | 1 212 555-5454 (22) |
PreRelease Date/Time | $NULL$ |
Priority | Low |
Priority Weight | $NULL$ |
Process Name | $NULL$ |
Product Cat Tier 1 | $NULL$ |
Product Cat Tier 2 | $NULL$ |
Product Cat Tier 3 | $NULL$ |
Product Model/Version | $NULL$ |
Product Name | $NULL$ |
Real 01 | $NULL$ |
Real 02 | $NULL$ |
Real 03 | $NULL$ |
Reason Code_Assignee | $NULL$ |
Rebuild Flow Session ID | $NULL$ |
Region | Americas |
Repeatable | Yes |
Requested By Person ID | PPL000000000014 |
Requestor ID | $NULL$ |
Required | Yes |
ResultslData | $NULL$ |
RetryCount | 0 |
Return Code Description_Assignee | $NULL$ |
Return Code_Assignee | $NULL$ |
ReturnCodeValue | $NULL$ |
ReturnValue1 | $NULL$ |
ReturnValue2 | $NULL$ |
ReturnValue3 | $NULL$ |
RootRequestFormName | HPD:Help Desk |
RootRequestID | INC_CAL_1000015 |
RootRequestInstanceID | AG00123F73CF5Eqc4TSQvOExAgYUQB |
RootRequestLevel | $NULL$ |
RootRequestMode | Real |
RootRequestName | INC_CAL_1000015 |
Scheduled End Date | 2008/10/17 23:00:00 |
Scheduled Start Date | 2008/10/16 14:00:00 |
Scope ID | AG00123F73CF5Eqc4TSQvOExAgYUQB |
Seconds before Time Out | $NULL$ |
Sequence | 1 |
Service Cat Tier 1 | $NULL$ |
Service Cat Tier 2 | $NULL$ |
Service Cat Tier 3 | $NULL$ |
ServiceCI | $NULL$ |
Simulation Message | $NULL$ |
Site | Headquarters, Building 1.31 |
Site Group | United States |
SourceID | $NULL$ |
Start Time | $NULL$ |
StartStop_EffortLogId | $NULL$ |
State | Inactive |
Status | Assigned |
Status History | $NULL$ |
StatusReasonSelection | $NULL$ |
Submitter | Demo |
Summary | Original Summary: Backup DB Server for Moratorium Efforts. |
Support Company | Calbro Services |
Support Group ID 2 | $NULL$ |
Support Group Name | Backoffice Support |
Support Organization | IT Support |
Task ID | TAS000000000013 |
TaskName | Backup System |
TaskSubtype | $NULL$ |
TaskType | Manual |
Task_CI | $NULL$ |
TemplateID | $NULL$ |
TicketType | Task |
Time 01 | $NULL$ |
TimeOutStatus | $NULL$ |
TimeOutStatusReasonSelection | $NULL$ |
TimeOutValue | $NULL$ |
Unit | $NULL$ |
Urgency | 4-Low |
Use Foundation Group Assignment | Yes |
Use Foundation Individual Assignment | Yes |
Use Foundation Notification | Yes |
Vendor Assignee Groups | 1000000001; |
Vendor Assignee Groups_parent | $NULL$ |
Visible | Yes |
YesNo 01 | $NULL$ |
YesNo 02 | $NULL$ |
allow budget entries | Yes |
parent_restart | $NULL$ |
z1D_Previous_AssigneeID | $NULL$ |
z2AF_Attachment1 | $NULL$ |
z2AF_Attachment2 | $NULL$ |
z2AF_Attachment3 | $NULL$ |
zAssociationTemplate ID | $NULL$ |
zPrompt1VMReqID | $NULL$ |
zPrompt1Value | $NULL$ |
zPrompt2VMReqID | $NULL$ |
zPrompt2Value | $NULL$ |
zPrompt3VMReqID | $NULL$ |
zPrompt3Value | $NULL$ |
zRepeatableInstanceID | $NULL$ |
zTmpDone | No |
zTmpGroupClose | $NULL$ |
zTmpRunAssignment | $NULL$ |
zUsage | $NULL$ |
ztmp_tsk_Adapterstatus_BPPM | $NULL$ |
Task Notes